Welcome to Time for Yoga

Discover the Path of Hatha Yoga
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This website is designed to offer a basic overview of hatha yoga as a practical way to incorporate by suiting it to your personal lifestyle. The creation and sustenance of wholesome habits can be developed through time management, consistency, and moderation based on interests, fitness level, responsibilities, and schedule. It is important to check with your health care provider before incorporating any new exercise or wellness program. Sharing personal experiences with health professionals can provide evidence that holistic practices offer a safe and effective way to manage stress related dis-ease.
We have one body to last our entire lifetime. Health is a priceless treasure. From personal experience, making time for self care and spending time in nature is necessary to maintain the strength, energy, and motivation to enjoy the life we want and deserve. As David Perlmutter wrote "Strive for progress, not perfection". I wish you a blessed journey.
Namaste, Linda
Photo and video from Cape Cod, MA